Tuesday, April 29, 2008


4:30am added text messaging to our phones late last night. I figured it would be a better way for all of us to keep in touch at disney and SeaWorld. Nobody likes a Blabber-Mouth during a show sitting next to them.
I took my usual morning walk and checked out the Internet access here and took some pictures. Google is their Homepage (Goody for me). No USB support so I will have to add pictures from Digital Camera to Blog when I get home. I will continue to use Phone to post pictures here, but that means taking pictures with both cameras of cool stuff.

We went to Epcot at around 9:30am. Cindy rented one of those Electric Scooters (ECV). It turn out that a good portion of the attractions, give you a jump to the front of the line, if they see you in one. Not only the person using it, but every one in the party!
The day started oud a little cool and cloudy but by the afternoon it was gorgeous. We went to most of the attractions. "Test Drive" is almost like a roller coaster but goes 65 mph.
Fireworks were great. I had my Digital Camera in my left hand and my Cell-phone in my right. Trying to snap pictures with both hands and watch the fireworks at the same time. I am suprised that any came out at all.
We left the park at around 10pm and were back at Resort by 10:15pm. Relaxing tomorrow.

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